About my work
I hope you have enjoyed your tour through my brief gallery. Each piece is my original work.
Most of the drawings are 8.5"x11" originals, and all pitcures have been size for ease of viewing
and printing online.
Below is
a short description of each piece on display.
1-A Whale
Pencil drawing, 8.5"x11".
I drew this because whales are scary as hell. Nobody really thought so
until I had added all the mechanical stuff to it.
1-B Soda
Pencil drawing, 8.5"x11"
Another character inspired by Les Claypool. After showing this to a good
friend of mine, she branded it with the phrase "Pop! You Nerd!"
Little does she know, it's called soda.
1-C Primus Sucks
Pen and pencil drawing, 8.5"x11"
Three horrible men inspired me to draw this piece. It made a great T-shirt.
2-A Here's to swimming
Pen drawing, 8.5"x11"
This was a couple of hours of Astronomy class put to waste. Some good
ideas though.
2-B Meh
Ceramic with acrylic paint, 11"x9"x9.5"
School project, inspired by a drawing I saw of a dog with it's eyes sewn
2-C Hectopus
Ceramic and glaze, 3.25"x7.5"x10"
School project inspired by the Sailing the Seas of Cheese album by Primus.
3-A And I never ate fish again
Pencil drawing, 8.5"x5"
I'm not sure about this one. I was thinking of how odd it would be to
have a fish jump into someone's throat. That would make them not go fishing
for awhile.
3-B Yardwork sucks
Acrylic paint on canvas, 10"x14"
I tried painting for a bit, but decided it wasn't for me. This is the
best I could do, but hey, I did win 3rd place at the Evergreen State Fair
in 2002.
3-C Southbound Pachyderm
Pencil drawing 8.5" X 11"
I'm not sure where this came from, but it was a pretty sweet idea.
4-A Feelin' fine
Pen drawing, 8.5"x11"
So after the rest of the campers went to bed on this uneventful day,
I stayed up listening to the radio and drawing stuff that seemed like
a good idea. Later, my mom asked "Are you feeling okay?"
4-B Friday Nite
Pencil drawing 8.5" X 11"
When I drew this, I really wanted him to have long, slender legs and
arms. I think it turned out well.
4-C Spit it out
Pencil drawing, 8.5"x11"
I was listening to a speech in my Government class when the phrase "like
a snake swallowing it's tail," was uttered. What a cool idea.
Contact me
You can send me an email at the address displayed below.